Correct Oxycodone Detox

John Giordano, founder of G&G Holistic Addiction Treatment, discusses the correct way to detox from oxycodone.

Most addicts and alcoholics are afraid of detox because they are afraid of going through the pain of withdrawals.

I am a recovering addict. I don’t want to be in pain going through detox. I don’t want to be nauseous. I don’t want to have muscle cramps. I don’t want to have all of this anxiety, and all that stuff that’s going on as I am detoxing. I want to detox, get off of this stuff, and get on with my life.


Correct Oxcycodone Detox

The detox protocols used in some treatment centers today involve the use of a medication called Suboxone. Suboxone is not a six or seven-day detox, and the pharmaceutical companies know this.

So what happens when people are sold this “bill of goods” by some detox centers? They give you Suboxone. You’re fine. You’re nice. You don’t feel any problems. Everything is wonderful. You’re no problem for the detox center. They love it, until…

The problem comes after you get out of detox, usually after six or seven days because the insurance companies won’t pay for more than that.

The first day you get out, you’re fine. The second day you get out, you’re feeling somewhat uncomfortable. The third day you could be in full-blown withdrawals, having severe anxiety and depression.

Dr. Kenneth Blum, the geneticist who found the addiction gene, myself, and Siobahn Morse, a clinical researcher, have done research on this.

What we found is that some people are committing suicide because it’s such an extreme change from being normalized to the sudden shock of severe anxiety and depression. They don’t know how to deal with it.

So, what is the answer? What do we do? How do we fix this? How do we change this?

Okay, here is what I suggest you do if you go into detox. Currently, they have methadone detox. They have hydrocodone which is a short-acting opiate. They have Suboxone. I suggest that you avoid Suboxone.

I suggest that you go on a short-term methadone detox program for six to seven days. It’s much easier to come off, but there is another additive you must consider.

You have to understand the process here. When you do drugs and alcohol, you artificially stimulate the brain with dopamine. Dopamine is our feel-good brain chemical along with norepinephrine and serotonin.

Now, when you get detoxed, they titrate you down slowly so you don’t have such a severe drop in dopamine or serotonin, and you don’t crash, and then your body doesn’t go through all these dramatic changes.

Amino acid therapy after detox helps normalize brain chemistry and restore your brain to normal functioning. We have tons of research on this, and you can find out more on our blog at

Remember, amino acids are the precursors for neurotransmitters. This is how the brain regulates dopamine, so when you get to treatment, remember, detox is detox.

Treatment is treatment. You must go to treatment after detox in order to learn how to deal with life on life’s terms, and how to deal with these cravings, and part of the cravings are the result of low dopamine, so if you’re taking these amino acid compounds and vitamin therapy to help with your nervous system, you will see that your brain will start to normalize, and it takes a little time because your sleep patterns are going to be off for a week to two weeks.

You don’t want to load up on more chemicals. What you are doing is you’re preventing the brain from working on its own, so it goes to sleep, and now you are relying on another drug.

You don’t want to do that. So what you want to do is you want to slowly titrate off of everything, get the amino acids to normalizes brain chemistry, and you’re home free.


John Giordano Correct Oxcycodone Detox

John Giordano Correct Oxcycodone Detox



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