Relapse Prevention for Stimulant Abuse and Addiction

Siobhan Morse, Executive Director of The National Institute for Holistic Addiction Studies discusses relapse prevention for stimulant drug abuse and addiction.

What are prescription stimulants?

Prescription stimulants are a class of drugs that enhance brain activity.

Prescription stimulants were used historically to treat asthma, obesity, neurological disorders, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and a variety of other illnesses before the potential for abuse and addiction became apparent.


Relapse Prevention Stimulant Abuse and Addiction

Why is relapse prevention important?

In order for individuals to achieve long-term abstinence from abuse and addiction, a relapse prevention program should be followed.

Quality addiction programs will design individualized relapse prevention programs for each client to maximize their chances at achieving long-term abstinence.

How does relapse happen?

Individuals who complete an addiction treatment program often relapse because they do not have a relapse prevention plan.

Relapse does not happen in a single step. Often there are signs that a relapse is on the horizon.

What are the relapse warning signs?

During the early stages of recovery it is hard for recovering addicts to make healthy decisions that support their recovery.

A good relapse prevention program will teach people in early recovery the warning signs that a relapse may be underway.

Warning signs of relapse include: overreactions to stress and regular life challenges, unwillingness to talk about feelings, the individual is always “fine,” isolation or avoidance behaviors, a return to old friends, places or social settings, romancing memories of using, or refusal to participate in recovery activities such as meetings or therapy.

What is a relapse prevention program?

A relapse prevention program will teach individuals the warning signs of relapse as well as what triggers them to use. While getting clean may not be difficult, staying clean can be challenging.

Without a good relapse prevention program to follow, remaining abstinent in early recovery can be very difficult.

A relapse prevention program provides the guidance and support needed to continue the recovery process.

It is also important to note when relapse does occur, it can be used as a stepping stone to a greater commitment to the new way of life offered in recovery.


Relapse Prevention for Stimulant Abuse and Addiction

Relapse Prevention for Stimulant Abuse and Addiction



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